Green House

Café & Restaurant

Gorgeous and bright room with art on display

Breakfast, lunch and dinner courses at reasonable prices, as well as a wide selection of À la carte items. We are sure you will be satisfied with the quality of this restaurant, any time of day.

Restaurant information

Location / No. of seats 1F/110 Seats

6:30a.m - 10:00p.m.(L.O. 9:00p.m.) 
Breakfast 6:30a.m. - 10:00a.m.


Breakfast Buffet Adults ¥3,500
Schoolchild 6 to 12 years ¥2,000
Preschooler ¥1,000
Lunch buffet
Adults ¥4,400
Schoolchild 6 to 12 years ¥2,200
Preschooler ¥880
Dinner buffet
Adults ¥5,500
Over 65 years old
NOC member
Schoolchild 6 to 12 years ¥2,500
Preschooler ¥900

※Prices include tax and service charge.

  • A service charge of 15% will be added separately to prices that are not individually indicated.
  • If you have food allergies, please let us know in advance.

Reservation Contacts